Daily Caller Editor Wrote for Alt-Right Radix Journal - The Atlantic
A Former Alt-Right Member’s Message: Get Out While You Still Can
1967 Peter Thiel1973 Curtis Yarvin2014 2014 Gamergate (harassment campaign)2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administrationAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Breitbart NewsDavid IrvingIan SmithJoe SobranJohn ElliottKatie McHughKevin DeAnnaKevin MacDonaldMilo YiannopoulosNeil PatelPeter BrimelowRichard SpencerScott GreerSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationThe Daily CallerWhite resentment, white identity politics and white extremismWilliam F Buckley Jr
A Plot in L.A. to Avenge the Christchurch Shooting | The New Yorker
ANALYSIS—Richard Spencer: A Man For People Who Find NPR Too Slow - GotNews
Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world - Vox
1962 Nick Land1967 Peter Thiel1973 Curtis Yarvin2017-08 Unite the Right rally2018-08 Unite the Right 22019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings2019-04 Poway synagogue shooting2019-08 El Paso Walmart shootingAccelerationismAlt-rightAmerican Nazi PartyArticles in VoxBowl GangBrendan TarrantCharles MansonCybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU, Ccru)Dark EnlightenmentGeorge Lincoln RockwellGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)Iron March (website)James MasonJared TaylorLiberal democracyMilo YiannopoulosNational Socialist Order (NSO)Neo-Nazi accelerationismNeo-Nazi movementNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Richard SpencerSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationWhite resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
Beyond Alt: Understanding the New Far Right
1962 Nick Land4chanAccelerationismAlt-rightAlternative for GermanyAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Andrew AnglinArticles in New York magazineAryan NationsBack to nature movement, survivalism and doomsday preppersBharatiya Janata Party (BJP)Claremont InstituteGavin McInnes and Proud BoysGolden DawnHans-Hermann HoppeIlliberal democracyIslamic StateJared TaylorJobbikKotleba-People’s PartyMilo YiannopoulosNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Northern LeaguePaul GottfriedRichard SpencerSouth African FirstSteve SailerSweden DemocratsTaki Theodoracopulos
Biden Campaign Rejects Richard Spencer Endorsement, Condemns Views as 'Absolutely Repugnant'
Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years, Experts Warn - The New York Times
2017-08 Unite the Right rally2020-04 Armed protesters enter Michigan capitol2021-01 January 63 Percent United Patriots (3UP)Ammon BundyBoogalooEnrique Tarrio and the Proud BoysNeo-Nazi movementOath Keepers and the Capitol riotOpposition to to the Black Lives Matter protestsProud Boys and the Capitol riotQAnonRichard SpencerUnited Citizens AlarmWhite nationalism in the United States
Facebook Bans Network With ‘Boogaloo’ Ties - The New York Times
How a Small Town Silenced a Neo-Nazi Hate Campaign - The New York Times
Judge advises $14m in damages to Jewish woman targeted by neo-Nazi ‘troll storm’ | World news | The Guardian
Neo-Nazi networks exposed across US military - World Socialist Web Site
Nietzsche’s Eternal Return | The New Yorker
Opinion | Trump Helps Bigots Go Viral - The New York Times
Richard Spencer Backs Joe Biden, Says 'MAGA/Alt-Right Moment is Over'
The Billionaires Behind the Far-Right
1967 Peter ThielArron BanksBreitbart NewsCambridge AnalyticaDavid Horowitz Freedom CenterEnglish Defence League (EDL)National Policy InstituteNigel FaragePalmer LuckeyRenaissance TechnologiesRichard SpencerRobert MercerRobert ShillmanSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationThe RebelTommy Robinson and the English Defense LeagueWilliam Regnery II
The French Origins of “You Will Not Replace Us” | The New Yorker
1962 Aleksandr Dugin2015 Germany receives millions of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere2017-08 Unite the Right rally2022-05 Buffalo shootingAlain de BenoistAmerican Renaissance (magazine)ArktosBernard-Henri LévyCarl SchmittCharles de GaulleDaniel FribergGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)Guillaume FayeIdentitarianismImmigration to FranceIslamophobia and anti-Muslim extremismLauren SouthernMarine Le Pen and the National RallyNational Policy InstituteNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Renaud CamusRichard SpencerSteve Bannon and Breitbart News
The Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism - The New York Times
1999 InfowarsAmericans for Prosperity (AFP)Articles in the New York TimesAutodoc GmbHBreitbart NewsConservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)Gatestone InstituteGranskning SverigeLaw and Justice PartyRT (TV network)Racism and xenophobia in EuropeRichard SpencerRussian online influence campaignSputnik (news agency)StormfrontSweden DemocratsViktor Orbán
The Making of a YouTube Radical - The New York Times
2019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings4chanAlex Jones and InfoWarsAlt-rightAnarcho-capitalismArticles in the New York TimesBreadTubeBrittany PettiboneCaleb CainContent moderation at YouTubeDavid Duke and the Ku Klux KlanFarshad ShadlooJared TaylorKevin RooseLauren SouthernNatalie WynnPaul Joseph Watson and InfoWarsPizzagate conspiracy theoryPluralism, multiculturalism, xenophobia, chauvinism and racismRichard SpencerStefan MolyneuxSteven BonnellSteven CrowderTechnology businesses, freedom of speech and censorshipYouTube's recommendation algorithm
The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder. - Vox
1962 Nick Land1973 Curtis Yarvin2014 2014 Gamergate (harassment campaign)2017 Presidency of Donald Trump4chanAlt-rightAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Articles in VoxBryan CaplanGolden DawnJohn DerbyshireJoseph SobranLibertarianismMichael AnissimovMichael PerillouxMilo YiannopoulosNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Occidental ObserverPaleoconservatismPat BuchananRichard SpencerTaki TheodoracopulosVDARE (website)
What Is the Great Replacement? - The New York Times
Why Breitbart Fired an Editor for a Tweet - The Atlantic
Why a Banking Heiress Spent Her Fortune on Keeping Immigrants Out - The New York Times
1924 Immigration Act2017 Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administrationAmerican Border PatrolAmerican Immigration Control FoundationArticles in the New York TimesCalifornians for Population StabilizationCenter for Immigration Studies (CIS)Cordelia Scaife MayFederation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI)International Services Assistance FundJared TaylorKellyanne ConwayKris Kobach and Republican efforts to restrict votingNumbersUSAPioneer FundPlanned ParenthoodPopulation-Environment BalanceProEnglishProjectUSARichard Mellon ScaifeRichard SpencerSocial Contract PressUS English (organization)US Inc
William H. Regnery II, 80, Dies; Bankrolled the Rise of the Alt-Right - The New York Times