Beyond Alt: Understanding the New Far Right
1962 Nick Land4chanAccelerationismAlt-rightAlternative for GermanyAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Andrew AnglinArticles in New York magazineAryan NationsBack to nature movement, survivalism and doomsday preppersBharatiya Janata Party (BJP)Claremont InstituteGavin McInnes and Proud BoysGolden DawnHans-Hermann HoppeIlliberal democracyIslamic StateJared TaylorJobbikKotleba-People’s PartyMilo YiannopoulosNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Northern LeaguePaul GottfriedRichard SpencerSouth African FirstSteve SailerSweden DemocratsTaki Theodoracopulos
It's official: Finland to apply for Nato membership : worldnews
The Global Machine Behind the Rise of Far-Right Nationalism - The New York Times
1999 InfowarsAmericans for Prosperity (AFP)Articles in the New York TimesAutodoc GmbHBreitbart NewsConservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)Gatestone InstituteGranskning SverigeLaw and Justice PartyRT (TV network)Racism and xenophobia in EuropeRichard SpencerRussian online influence campaignSputnik (news agency)StormfrontSweden DemocratsViktor Orbán