A Former Alt-Right YouTuber Explains His Methods - The New York Times
A Former Marine Stormed the Capitol as Part of a Far-Right Militia | The New Yorker
A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story - The New York Times
After Waco, the Radical Right Declared War on the U.S. Government | The New Yorker
1883 John Wilkes Booth1942 Ted Kaczynski1978 The Turner Diaries1985-05 MOVE bombing1986 Firearm Owners' Protection Act (FOPA)1992-08 Ruby Ridge siege1993-02 Waco siege1995-04 Oklahoma City bombing1999-04 Columbine High School massacre2021 Merrick Garland and the Department of JusticeAlex Jones and InfoWarsDavid Koresh and the Branch DavidiansElohim City, OklahomaHeaven's Gate (religious group)Newt GingrichThe Rush Limbaugh ShowTimothy McVeigh
Alex Jones leads anti-mask protest at Capitol - News - Austin American-Statesman - Austin, TX
Alex Jones, Host and Conspiracy Theorist, Says Donald Trump Called to Thank Him - The New York Times
Alex Jones, the First Amendment, and the Digital Public Square | The New Yorker
Among the Insurrectionists at the Capitol | The New Yorker
2005 Louie Gohmert and the US House of Representatives2020-04 Armed protesters enter Michigan capitol2020-11 Million MAGA March2020-12 Armed protesters break into Oregon state capitol2020-12 Gohmert v Pence2020-12 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asks the Supreme Court to overturn the results of the 2020 federal election in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin2020-12 Trump supporters rally in Washington, DC2021-01 Trump supporters and the Capitol riotAlex Jones and InfoWarsAli Alexander and the Capitol riotAntisemitismEnrique Tarrio and the Proud BoysGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)GroypersJacob ChansleyJoe Biggs and InfoWarsJoe diGenovaJoey Gibson and Patriot PrayerKyle ChapmanLaw enforcement, Trump supporters and the Capitol riotMichigan and the 2020 US federal electionMo Brooks and the Capitol riotMyths and conspiracy theoriesNewsmaxNick Fuentes and America FirstPatriot PrayerProud Boys and the Capitol riotQAnonRepublicans and the Capitol riotRoger Stone and the 2016 Trump campaign
Dan Bongino and the Big Business of Returning Trump to Power | The New Yorker
Facebook Bans Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan and Others From Its Services - The New York Times
How America Escapes Its Conspiracy-Theory Crisis | The New Yorker
1881 Presidency of James A Garfield1883 Pendleton Act1919 J Edgar Hoover and the FBI1939 Hatch Act1975 Church Committee1979 Dick Cheney and the US House of Representatives2017 Presidency of Donald TrumpAlex Jones and InfoWarsExecutive Order 13957Myths and conspiracy theoriesPolarization in the United StatesQAnonSean Hannity and Fox NewsTurkeyWilliam Barr and the HW Bush administration
How the Obama-Trump Presidential Transition Led to Chaos - The New York Times
I Worked for Alex Jones. I Regret It. - The New York Times
Judge Dismisses Two Lawsuits Against Fox News Over Retracted Seth Rich Story - The New York Times
Manufacturing Fear
1992-08 Ruby Ridge siege1993-02 Waco siege1999 Infowars2012-02 Shooting of Trayvon Martin2014-04 Bundy standoffAlex Jones and InfoWarsAnti-government movements in the United StatesAryan NationsCouncil of Conservative Citizens (CofCC, CCC)Dylann RoofGun control in the United StatesHutaree (militia)Marble Community FellowshipMatt SheaMatt Shea and the 2014 Bundy standoffMyths and conspiracy theoriesOzzie Knezovich and the Spokane County Sheriff's OfficeRandy Weaver and the Ruby Ridge siegeRepublican PartyRichard Butler and Aryan NationsSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)Sovereign CitizensStevens County, Washington StateTea Party PatriotsThe Order
One day encapsulated everything that’s wrong with Fox News - Vox
Opinion | Trump Helps Bigots Go Viral - The New York Times
Opinion | What Would Happen if Twitter Banned Trump? - The New York Times
Something's Brewing in the Deep Red West - Rolling Stone
1992-08 Ruby Ridge siegeACT for AmericaAlex Jones and InfoWarsAmerican RedoubtAryan NationsBureau of Land Management (BLM)Christian IdentityGun control in the United StatesIdentity EvropaKu Klux Klan (KKK)Matt SheaMatt Shea and the 2014 Bundy standoffMatt Shea and the 2016 occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife RefugeOath Keepers Ozzie Knezovich and the Spokane County Sheriff's OfficePatriot movementRemnant ResolvesRepublican PartySpokane, Washington State
Sputnik News - Media Bias/Fact Check
The Alex Jones influence: Trump's "deep state" fears come from his conspiracy theorist ally and adviser | Salon.com
The Making of a YouTube Radical - The New York Times
2019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings4chanAlex Jones and InfoWarsAlt-rightAnarcho-capitalismArticles in the New York TimesBreadTubeBrittany PettiboneCaleb CainContent moderation at YouTubeDavid Duke and the Ku Klux KlanFarshad ShadlooJared TaylorKevin RooseLauren SouthernNatalie WynnPaul Joseph Watson and InfoWarsPizzagate conspiracy theoryPluralism, multiculturalism, xenophobia, chauvinism and racismRichard SpencerStefan MolyneuxSteven BonnellSteven CrowderTechnology businesses, freedom of speech and censorshipYouTube's recommendation algorithm
Ties Between Alex Jones and Radio Network Show Economics of Misinformation - The New York Times
Tommy Robinson, the Far-Right Agitator, Lifted by Trump, Turns to Russia - The New York Times
Trump Renews Fears of Voter Intimidation as G.O.P. Poll Watchers Mobilize - The New York Times
Trump criticizes Facebook for banning Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos and other far-right agitators - CNN
War in the West: The Bundy Ranch Standoff and the American Radical Right | Southern Poverty Law Center
1791 Whiskey Rebellion1976 Federal Land Policy and Management Act1992-08 Ruby Ridge siege1993-02 Waco siege1994 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act1995-04 Oklahoma City bombing2014-04 Bundy standoff2014-06 Las Vegas shootingsAgenda 21Alex Jones and InfoWarsAmmon Bundy and the 2014 Bundy standoffBob SchulzBureau of Land Management (BLM)Cliven BundyConstitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers AssociationCounty supremacy movementDomestic Terrorism Executive CommitteeGordon KahlIndependent American Party (IAP)James WickstromJason ChaffetzJerad MillerJohn Birch SocietyJohn TrochmannMichael Brian VanderboeghMichelle FioreMilitia of Montana (MOM)National Tax Defier InitiativeOath Keepers Operation Mutual AidPatriot movementPosse Comitatus movementRichard MackRon ArnoldRonald ReaganRyan PayneSagebrush RebellionSean Hannity and Fox NewsSouthern Oregon MilitiaSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)Sovereign CitizensStewart RhodesTimothy McVeighWe the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, IncWest Mountain RangersWilliam Potter GaleWise use movement
What happened when I met my Islamophobic troll | News | The Guardian
Alex Jones and InfoWarsArticles in the GuardianBreitbart NewsDiane AbbottDouglas MurrayGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)Hope Not HateIslamophobia and anti-Muslim extremismKatie HopkinsLauren SouthernMilo YiannopoulosNiall FergusonPamela GellerRT (TV network)Sadiq KhanThe RebelTommy Robinson and the English Defense LeagueYouTube
YouTube to Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views - The New York Times