A Former Alt-Right Member’s Message: Get Out While You Still Can
1967 Peter Thiel1973 Curtis Yarvin2014 2014 Gamergate (harassment campaign)2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administrationAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Breitbart NewsDavid IrvingIan SmithJoe SobranJohn ElliottKatie McHughKevin DeAnnaKevin MacDonaldMilo YiannopoulosNeil PatelPeter BrimelowRichard SpencerScott GreerSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationThe Daily CallerWhite resentment, white identity politics and white extremismWilliam F Buckley Jr
The Eugenicist Doctor and the Vast Fortune Behind Trump’s Immigration Regime
1868 Fourteenth Amendment1973 The Camp of the Saints2017 Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice2017 Stephen Miller and the Trump administrationAmerican Renaissance (magazine)Andrew MellonCenter for Immigration Studies (CIS)Center for Security Policy (CSP)ColcomCordelia S May Family TrustCordelia Scaife MayCoreCivicCouncil of Conservative Citizens (CCC)David Duke and the Ku Klux KlanDetention of migrants seeking asylum in the United StatesE-VerifyEugenicsFederation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)GEO GroupImmigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI)Institute for Western ValuesJared TaylorJean RaspailJohn TantonJon FeereJulie KirchnerKellyanne ConwayKevin MacDonaldKris Kobach and Republican efforts to restrict votingNational Immigration Law CenterNumbersUSAOverpopulationPeter BrimelowPioneer FundPlanned ParenthoodPrevention through deterrenceSam FrancisSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)US IncVDARE (website)VDARE Foundation