Accelerationism, The Dark Enlightenment & The Strange Life of Nick Land - YouTube
Accelerationism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we live in | World news | The Guardian
1967 Peter ThielAccelerationismAnti-OedipusArticles in the GuardianBenjamin NoysCybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU, Ccru)Dark EnlightenmentFanged NoumenaFélix GuattariGilles DeleuzeIain Hamilton GrantJean-François LyotardJoseph ConradLeft accelerationismLibidinal EconomyLord of LightMark FisherNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Robin MackaySadie PlantSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationSteve GoodmanSteven Shaviro
Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacist killers around the world - Vox
1962 Nick Land1967 Peter Thiel1973 Curtis Yarvin2017-08 Unite the Right rally2018-08 Unite the Right 22019-03 Christchurch mosque shootings2019-04 Poway synagogue shooting2019-08 El Paso Walmart shootingAccelerationismAlt-rightAmerican Nazi PartyArticles in VoxBowl GangBrendan TarrantCharles MansonCybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU, Ccru)Dark EnlightenmentGeorge Lincoln RockwellGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)Iron March (website)James MasonJared TaylorLiberal democracyMilo YiannopoulosNational Socialist Order (NSO)Neo-Nazi accelerationismNeo-Nazi movementNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Richard SpencerSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationWhite resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
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