Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia
Manufacturing Fear
1992-08 Ruby Ridge siege1993-02 Waco siege1999 Infowars2012-02 Shooting of Trayvon Martin2014-04 Bundy standoffAlex Jones and InfoWarsAnti-government movements in the United StatesAryan NationsCouncil of Conservative Citizens (CofCC, CCC)Dylann RoofGun control in the United StatesHutaree (militia)Marble Community FellowshipMatt SheaMatt Shea and the 2014 Bundy standoffMyths and conspiracy theoriesOzzie Knezovich and the Spokane County Sheriff's OfficeRandy Weaver and the Ruby Ridge siegeRepublican PartyRichard Butler and Aryan NationsSouthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)Sovereign CitizensStevens County, Washington StateTea Party PatriotsThe Order
The Election May Never Be Over for White Supremacists | Time