Accelerationism, The Dark Enlightenment & The Strange Life of Nick Land - YouTube
Accelerationism: how a fringe philosophy predicted the future we live in | World news | The Guardian
1967 Peter ThielAccelerationismAnti-OedipusArticles in the GuardianBenjamin NoysCybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU, Ccru)Dark EnlightenmentFanged NoumenaFélix GuattariGilles DeleuzeIain Hamilton GrantJean-François LyotardJoseph ConradLeft accelerationismLibidinal EconomyLord of LightMark FisherNeo-reactionary movement (NRx)Robin MackaySadie PlantSteve Bannon and the Trump administrationSteve GoodmanSteven Shaviro
Let’s talk about acceleration of collapse and a better use of your time… : collapse