Bob Woodward’s Bad Characters | The New Yorker
How the El Paso Shooting Exposes the Rifts in Texas Politics - The New York Times
Karl Rove and a Pitch for a Nationwide 5G Network Tailor-Made for Trump’s 2020 Campaign | The New Yorker
Karl Rove: Putin wins in Trump-Zelensky dispute
Money Talks | The New Yorker
Opinion | Republicans in Missouri Are Trying a New Kind of Gerrymandering - The New York Times
The Dark Money Man: How Sean Noble Moved the Kochs’ Cash into Politics and Made Millions — ProPublica
1950 Karl Rove2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA)2010 Citizens United v FECAmerican EncoreAmericans for Prosperity (AFP)Americans for Responsible LeadershipArticles in ProPublicaCenter for Responsive Politics (Open Secrets)Charles and David KochCrossroads GPSFreedom Partners (FP)FreedomWorksKoch IndustriesKoch networkMoney, government and politics in the United StatesNational Right to WorkSean Noble
The Republican Choice | FiveThirtyEight
1950 Karl Rove1969 Presidency of Richard Nixon1972 William Rehnquist and the US Supreme Court1981 National Ballot Security Task Force (BSTF)1981 Presidency of Ronald Reagan1981 Senatorship of Strom Thurmond1995 Governorship of George W Bush2001 Karl Rove and the Bush administration2001 Presidency of George W BushBarry GoldwaterDetroitPaul WeyrichRepublican PartySouthern strategyThe Trump administration, the GOP, voting by mail and the 2020 US presidential electionVoter registration, voter suppression, voter fraud, election integrity and election fraud
‘A zombie party’: the deepening crisis of conservatism | Politics | The Guardian