A TV Documentary Shows the Deep Roots of Right-Wing Conspiracy | The New Yorker
Book Review: Albion’s Seed | Slate Star Codex
AmishBarry GoldwaterCavaliersEnglandIntellectualism and anti-intellectualismMartin LutherMennonite ChurchNorthern IrelandOliver CromwellPennsylvania DutchPresbyteriansPuritanism and the PuritansQuakerismScotlandScots-IrishSlate Star CodexSlavery in the United StatesSouthern Baptist ConventionWealth and income inequalityWilliam Penn
John Bolton on the Warpath | The New Yorker
1823 Monroe Doctrine1961-04 Bay of Pigs invasion1969 Presidency of Richard Nixon1976 Buckley v Valeo1991 Clarence Thomas and the US Supreme Court2001 Presidency of George W Bush2001 Vice presidency of Dick Cheney2001-09 September 11 attacks2014 Presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan2017 Iran and the Trump administration2018 Mike Pompeo and the US State Department2018-04 Douma chemical attackAlexander TorshinAmerican Enterprise InstituteArticles in the New YorkerBarry GoldwaterBrent ScowcroftCambridge AnalyticaCarnegie Endowment for International PeaceColin PowellFox NewsHerbert Raymond McMasterInternet Research Agency (IRA)John Bolton Super PACJohn Bolton and the Gatestone InstituteJohn Bolton and the NRAJohn Bolton and the NSCJosé BustaniKim Jong UnLawrence WilkersonMaria ButinaMilton FriedmanMujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK)National Rifle Association (NRA)North KoreaRalph WinterRhône GroupRobert BorkRobert MercerRussia and the United StatesSarah TinsleySheldon AdelsonSpiro AgnewSyriaVenezuela and the Trump administrationViktor Pinchuk
National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
Opinion | The Case Against Riots - The New York Times
Southern strategy - Wikipedia
The Last of the Ayn Rand Acolytes | The New Republic
The Republican Choice | FiveThirtyEight
1950 Karl Rove1969 Presidency of Richard Nixon1972 William Rehnquist and the US Supreme Court1981 National Ballot Security Task Force (BSTF)1981 Presidency of Ronald Reagan1981 Senatorship of Strom Thurmond1995 Governorship of George W Bush2001 Karl Rove and the Bush administration2001 Presidency of George W BushBarry GoldwaterDetroitPaul WeyrichRepublican PartySouthern strategyThe Trump administration, the GOP, voting by mail and the 2020 US presidential electionVoter registration, voter suppression, voter fraud, election integrity and election fraud
What Is Happening to the Republicans? | The New Yorker
Why Arizona's Conservative Maricopa County Could Flip for Joe Biden - The New York Times