A Celebrity Philosopher Explains the Populist Insurgency | The New Yorker
1929 Jürgen HabermasAlternative for GermanyArticles in the New YorkerAxel HonnethBhagwan Shree RajneeshCapitalismDaniel LibeskindDiogenesFree Democratic Party (FDP)Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelJohn GrayJörg HaiderKarlsruheLiberal democracyLibertarianismMarc JongenMartin HeideggerMartin LutherPeter SloterdijkPluralism, multiculturalism, xenophobia, chauvinism and racismTheodor AdornoThilo SarrazinWelfare state
The Anthropocene epoch: have we entered a new phase of planetary history? | Environment | The Guardian
Anthropocene epochArticles in the GuardianBill RuddimanCretaceousHoloceneInterContinental Shanghai WonderlandInternational Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS)International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)Jan ZalasiewiczJedediah PurdyLeicester UniversityMax Planck Institute for ChemistryOrdovician periodPaul CrutzenPeter SloterdijkPhilip GibbardPliocenePrecambrian eonQuaternaryStanley Finney