Americans Have Lost Sight of What 'Fascism' Means - The Atlantic
Collapse Takes A Lifetime. America Is Just Getting Started | by Indi Samarajiva | indica | Oct, 2020 | Medium
DARK GOTHIC MAGA: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America
Demagoguery in America - The Bulwark
Donald Trump and the Aesthetics of Fascism - In These Times
Fascism Scholar Says U.S. Is 'Losing Its Democratic Status' : NPR
Homeland Security Cops to Manufacturing Terrorists for Trump
I Lived Through Collapse. America Is Already There. | by Indi Samarajiva | Sep, 2020 | GEN
John Oliver on the Need to Reform America's Undemocratic Institutions - Rolling Stone
Liberal Hyperbole About Trump’s ‘Coup’ Isn’t the Problem
Not a Normal Election | Commonweal Magazine
Opinion | Repression Without Borders - The New York Times
2014 Presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan2016 Global Magnitsky ActAuthoritarianism, dictatorship, autocracy and totalitarianismDonald Trump and fascismMohammed bin Salman and the murder of Jamal KhashoggiPrivacy and surveillance in ChinaTechnology, surveillance and privacyUnmanned aerial systems (UAS)
Opinion | The Damage Trump Has Done This Week Extends Far Beyond America’s Borders - The New York Times
Opinion | There Will Be No Trump Coup - The New York Times
Opinion | Trump and Tom Cotton Are Wrong. Don't Send the Military to Protests. - The New York Times
1807 Insurrection Act1968 Anti-Riot Act1968 Fair Housing Act (FHA)1981 Senatorship of Strom Thurmond1992-04 Los Angeles riots2020-06 Tom Cotton's op-ed piece in the New York Times about the protests following the death of George FloydArticles in the New York TimesDonald Trump and fascismJames MattisMark Esper and the Trump administrationRise Above MovementStudent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Opinion | Trump, in Attacking the Election, Is Attacking Democracy - The New York Times
Opinion | Who Inspired the Trump Campaign Playbook? - The New York Times
Steve Schmidt Says January 6 Will Start Destructive 'Civil War' in the GOP
The American Abyss - The New York Times
1877 Compromise of 18771877 Presidency of Rutherford B Hayes1878 Joseph Stalin1964 Civil Rights Act of 19642007 Jim Jordan and the US House of Representatives2013 Shelby County v Holder2017 Matt Gaetz and the US House of Representatives2020 US presidential election fraud conspiracy theories2021-01 Republicans challenge the 2020 Electoral College countBig lieDonald Trump and fascismDonald Trump and the Capitol riotHannah ArendtJason StanleyJim Crow lawsJosh Hawley and the Capitol riotLying pressRepublican PartyRepublicans and the Capitol riotStab-in-the-back mythTed Cruz and the Capitol riotThe Trump administration, the media and truthTimothy SnyderViktor Orbán
The GOP was sowing seeds of fascism and violence long before Trump
The Sadness Of American Collapse. The people an empire falls down on | by Indi Samarajiva | indica | Oct, 2020 | Medium
The left is accused of authoritarianism – but it's the right that gets away with it | Andy Beckett | Opinion | The Guardian
The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism | Robert Reich | The Guardian
Trump Emerges as Inspiration for Germany’s Far Right - The New York Times
Alternative for GermanyBjörn Höcke and the AfDDay XDonald Trump and fascismFar-right politics in GermanyGeneration IdentityGreat Replacement (conspiracy theory)Protests against restrictions put in place to protect against Covid-19QAnonReichsbürger movementWhite resentment, white identity politics and white extremism
Trump Is the Election Crisis He Is Warning About | The New Yorker
Trump says New York State won't get first batch of vaccines due to Governor Cuomo - POLITICO
Trump says he's not interested in pursuing case against Clinton
Trump staffer fired from Republican party for being a white supremacist | US elections 2024 | The Guardian
Turning Power of State Against Rivals, Trump Seeks Power of Authoritarians - The New York Times
We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying. | by umair haque | Eudaimonia and Co
What Does It Mean That Donald Trump Is a Fascist? | The New Yorker
What is fascism? And is Donald Trump a fascist? - Vox
While America burns, Donald Trump is busy ‘fixing’ Hong Kong’s problems | South China Morning Post
Why Trump Can’t Afford to Lose | The New Yorker
1915 Burdick v United States1969 Presidency of Richard Nixon1972 Watergate scandal1974 Presidency of Gerald Ford1995 Jane Mayer and the New Yorker2010 Cyrus Vance and New York County2019 Letitia James and the New York Department of Law2020-09 Donald Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court2023 Carroll v TrumpBernard Marcus and Home DepotDonald Trump and Deutsche BankDonald Trump and fascismFederal pardons in the United StatesFinances of Donald TrumpHonest Elections ProjectJack Posobiec and OANJohn Mitchell and the Department of JusticeLegacy and impact of the Trump administrationMichael Cohen and the 2016 Trump campaignMike Roman and Republican efforts to restrict votingOne America News (OAN)Pizzagate conspiracy theoryRush LimbaughSinclair Broadcast GroupSteve Bannon and Breitbart NewsStormy Daniels-Donald Trump scandalTrump OrganizationViolence and the 2020 US federal electionWilliam Consovoy and Republican efforts to restrict voting
Will the Military Allow President Trump to Use It for Political Advantage? | The New Yorker
1850 Fugitive Slave Act2013 Mark Meadows and the US House of Representatives2018 Mike Pompeo and the US State DepartmentArticles in the New YorkerDonald Trump and fascismJames MattisJohn F KellyMark Esper and the Trump administrationMark Milley and the Joint Chiefs of StaffThe Trump administration and the protests following the death of George Floyd
‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt - POLITICO
Showing topic
Donald Trump and fascism
Names and synonyms
- Donald Trump and fascism
- The Trump administration and fascism
- The Trump administration and authoritarianism
- The Trump presidency and authoritarianism