Revealed: more than 70% of English water industry is in foreign ownership | Water | The Guardian
Can American capitalism survive? Steven Pearlstein on the perils of neoliberalism. - Vox
Capitalism as a Suicide Cult - CounterPunch.org
Criticism of capitalism - Wikipedia
Doctor erases cancer patients' medical debt totaling $650,000 | GMA
Does ignoring robocalls make them stop? Here's what we learned from getting 1.5 million calls on 66,000 phone lines
Economist Richard Wolff: Capitalism is the reason COVID-19 is ravaging America | Salon.com
England’s water: the world’s piggy bank | Water | The Guardian
Experiencing physical pain can cause you to overspend
First-Ever ISP Study Reveals Arbitrary Costs, Fluctuating Speeds, Lack of Options - ExtremeTech
Harvard fellow: Using BNPL for food shows 'personal desperation'
How Meritocracy's Luster Tarnishes The American Dream | Aspen Ideas
How the White Working Class Is Being Destroyed - The New York Times
Inside the Sales Practices of the Nation’s Biggest Title Lender — ProPublica
Justin Kennedy Helped Trump Get Millions in Deutsche Bank Loans | Law & Crime
Kellogg’s is going to war over Mexico’s nutrition label rules
Market values are destroying nature: UN report
Mercedes locks faster acceleration behind a yearly $1,200 subscription - The Verge
Miss America’s History-Makers and Rule-Breakers | The New Yorker
Please drink a verification can. : 4chan
Shell CEO pay up 50% as soaring energy prices boosted profit | AP News
Study: Most Americans don’t have enough assets to withstand 3 months without income | Oregon State University
Surprise, Big Oil Has the Same Lawyers as Big Tobacco
The Two Americas Financing the Trump and Biden Campaigns - The New York Times
The White House Paid Up to $500 Million Too Much for These Ventilators, Congressional Investigators Say — ProPublica

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Names and synonyms

  • Neoliberalism
  • Neoliberal capitalism