Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs Hitch Rides On Australian Gulls
Australian Seagulls Could Carry Drug-Resistant Superbugs, Study Finds
Australian seagulls carrying drug-resistant E.coli in superbug scare
Australian seagulls carrying drug-resistant superbugs, study finds
Australian seagulls could be a superbug source, study says - New York Daily News
Australian seagulls could carry drug-resistant superbugs, study finds - KXLH.com
Deadly superbug discovered in common seagulls, new research finds - health news Australia
Gulls could pass on drug-resistant bacteria to humans | Inquirer Technology
Gulls could pass on drug-resistant bacteria to humans, say scientists
Seagull superbug has the potential to kill humans |
Seagulls a potential superbug source
Stewardship / Resistance Scan for Jul 11, 2019 | CIDRAP