David Koch Gave Us Donald Trump
1979 Newt Gingrich and the US House of Representatives2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA)2017 Neil Gorsuch and the US Supreme Court2017 Presidency of Donald Trump2018 Larry Kudlow and the NECAlan CobbAmerican Future Fund (AFF)Americans for Prosperity (AFP)Americans for Prosperity and the Tea party movementArticles in the InterceptBarack Obama citizenship conspiracy theoriesCambridge AnalyticaCorey LewandowskiDavid KochDon McGahnKoch political networkLee FangMarc ShortMark BlockSteve Bannon and the Trump administration
Donald Trump Clung to ‘Birther’ Lie for Years, and Still Isn’t Apologetic - The New York Times
Donald Trump, the Racist in the White House | The New Yorker
Opinion | It Started With ‘Birtherism’ - The New York Times
The Birther Myth Stuck Around For Years. The Election Fraud Myth Might Too. | FiveThirtyEight
The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker
1968 Civil Rights Act of 19681995 Jane Mayer and the New Yorker2009 Presidency of Barack Obama2010 Citizens United v FEC2017 Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice2017 Michael Flynn and the Trump administrationAccuracy in MediaAndrew BreitbartArthur RobinsonArticles in the New YorkerBannon Strategic AdvisorsBarack Obama citizenship conspiracy theoriesBreitbart NewsBrexitCentre Firearms CoCharles and David KochCitizens UnitedClimate change skepticism, denial and politicsDavid BossieDavid MagermanFederal Election Commission (FEC)Glittering SteelGoldman SachsGovernment Accountability InstituteHilary ClintonJohn Bolton and Fox NewsJohn Bolton and the Trump administrationKellyanne ConwayLibertarianismMedallion FundMichal KosinskiMilo YiannopoulosMoving Picture InstituteMyths and conspiracy theoriesNewsmaxObjectivism (Ayn Rand)Oregon Institute of Science and MedicinePark51 (Ground Zero mosque)Peter SchweizerReclaim New YorkRenaissance TechnologiesRobert MercerSCL Group (Strategic Communication Laboratories)Sam NunbergStatistical machine translationSteve Bannon and Goldman SachsThe American SpectatorWilliam KristolWilliam Lee HanleyWorldNetDaily
What’s New About Conspiracy Theories? | The New Yorker
1999 Infowars1999-04 Columbine High School massacreAgreement, polarization and conflictAlex Jones and the Sandy Hook School shootingAndrew WakefieldBarack Obama citizenship conspiracy theoriesConspira-Sea Cruise and Seminar-at-SeaCorey GoodeEdgar Welch John PodestaPizzagate conspiracy theoryQAnonRichard DolanUFO conspiracy theoryVaccine hesitancyYouTube
Showing topic
Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
2009 Presidency of Barack ObamaGovernment and politics in the United StatesMyths and conspiracy theoriesRacism and xenophobia in the United States
Names and synonyms
- Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories
- Birtherism