Aspects of a good Go library – Jack Lindamood – Medium
Building Immutable Data Structures In Go
Don’t use Go’s default HTTP client (in production) – Nathan Smith – Medium
Generics aren’t ready for Go | Drew DeVault’s Blog
Getting Started with OAuth2 in Go – Alex Pliutau – Medium
Go 1.7 httptrace and context debug patterns – Jack Lindamood – Medium
Go 2, here we come | Hacker News
Go 2, here we come! - The Go Blog
Go Experience report: Go’s type system – Statuscode – Medium
Go compiler internals: adding a new statement to Go - Part 1 - Eli Bendersky's website
Golang: using build tags to store configurations – Elton Minetto – Medium
How to Create An SSH Tunnel in Go
Idiomatic Go Resources – Damian Gryski – Medium
Implementing OAuth 2.0 with Go(Golang) 🔐 - Soham's blog
Iterators in Go
Naive Bayes Classifier From Scratch | Part 2 (NLP in Golang)
Personal Photo Management using Go and TensorFlow GopherAcademy
Preemptive Interface Anti-Pattern in Go – Jack Lindamood – Medium
Private and Public Visibility with Go Packages - Will Haley
Simple techniques to optimise Go programs
Standard Package Layout – Ben Johnson – Medium
Stop writing broken Go libraries
String interning in Go - Artem Krylysov
Versioning your API in Go
Want to write good unit tests in go? Don’t panic… or should you?
Wednesday pop quiz: spot the race – Dave Cheney
What “accept interfaces, return structs” means in Go
Write files using Go
crawshaw - 2019-04-28
r/golang - Advent 2018: gpython: a Python interpreter written in Go "batteries not included"
r/golang - Building real-time messaging server in Go
r/golang - Controlling the Docker Engine in Go – Tarka Labs Blog – Medium
r/golang - Migrating to go mod in just 3 steps
r/golang - Personal Photo Management using Go and TensorFlow
r/golang - Red Hat contributes etcd, the cornerstone of Kubernetes, to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
r/golang - Stop writing broken Go libraries
r/golang - Using Golang to Building Microservices at The Economist: A Retrospective
r/golang - Using the Service Object Pattern in Go
r/golang - Versioning your API in Go