Antibiotic resistance is an even greater challenge in remote Indigenous communities
Antibiotic resistance is an even greater challenge in remote Indigenous communities
Antimicrobial resistance a significant global challenge | Scoop News
Antimicrobial resistance is a growing concern | Scoop News
Australia sleepwalking to an even bigger financial disaster: $283 billion cost | Mirage News
Bulletproof superbugs on a deadly march across the globe - ANU
Bulletproof superbugs on a deadly march around the globe
Extensively drug-resistant Shigella identified in Australia | CIDRAP
Hospital superbugs increasing, NZers told: 'Not every infection requires antibiotics' |
Public information key to combating rising 'superbug' threat
Reaching for the sky with infection prevention and disease control strategies
Stewardship / Resistance Scan for Apr 27, 2020 | CIDRAP
Superbugs could trigger our next global financial crisis
Tackling antibiotic resistance a shared responsibility: Ministry of Health | EdgeProp.my
We can reverse antibiotic resistance in Australia. Here's how Sweden is doing it