Ancient humans and their early depictions of the universe |
A children's toy from 18,000 BCE, France. Spinning it quickly would make the animal look like it was running
Art of the Upper Paleolithic - Wikipedia
Lubang Jeriji Saléh - Wikipedia
Mysterious marks on Ice Age cave art may have been ancient records
Prehistoric art - Wikipedia
Prehistoric clay bisons in the Le Tuc d'Audoubert cave at Ariege, France. Estimated 14,000 years old. (1280x940)
Red hand and Mammoth, around 30,000 BP. Chauvet cave, France [1620x1080] : ArtefactPorn
Stone Age hand axe engraved with human face found from Kiuruvesi, Finland [435x640] : ArtefactPorn
Venus figurines of Kostyonki - Wikipedia
Venus of Brassempouy - Wikipedia
Venus of Laussel - Wikipedia
Venus of Lespugue - Wikipedia
Venus of Moravany - Wikipedia
Venus of Petřkovice - Wikipedia
Why don’t cave paintings depict human on human violence or warfare?