Amazing Time-lapse of Bees Hatching : awwwtf
Beehives choppered in for crucial almond pollination - ABC News
Bees Are Literally Worrying Themselves to Death -- NYMag
Honeybee Populations Could Be Wiped Out Worldwide By Wing Virus
How the decline in pollinators like butterflies and bees puts everyday food at risk - CNN
Incredible mechanism of how a bee stinger works
Last Winter's Bee Colony Death Rate Is Highest Reported Yet : The Salt : NPR
Quarter of known bee species have not been recorded since 1990 | Bees | The Guardian
Swarm of bees follow grandmother's car for over 24 hours attempting to rescue their queen
The American Bumblebee Has Vanished From Eight States | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
‘Its body looked like a warzone.’ Air pollution could kill off critical honey bees in India | Science | AAAS

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Names and synonyms

  • Honeybees
  • Bees
  • Anthophila